Here’s what our Setters do:
Learn our business to become one of our TOP CLOSERS
High-ticket Setters pros: Is your current sales position:
If you answered “no” to any of those questions then you’ll want to read this through:
We have a killer opportunity for someone who’s willing to put in the work necessary to master the art of Setting…
Our Setters are:
Getting fed inbound leads
Flexible Schedules
Working remotely from anywhere in the USA
Are part of a great team and culture
Get to sell something they’re passionate about that genuinely helps people.
Sounds like a pretty good gig, right?
Well, we are looking for a few more Setters who want gigs just like that…
So if you’re currently selling and looking for a massive upgrade…
Now, will all of that come without hard work? Not a chance…
Selling – like anything – is a skillset that you have to build.
BUT once you master this, it will put you in the driver seat to control the amount of money you want to make for the rest of your career. No kidding.
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